Thursday, July 22, 2010

Unit 7 - Be An Example for Others

Hello Wellness Classmates! Welcome to Unit 7! This class is flying by for me which is normally a good thing but this time it is not. I wish this course was longer. I am enjoying getting to know my inner self very much.

Mindfulness, meditation, and practice over the last six weeks for me has definitely increased my psycholocial wellness. At the beginning of this course, I actually wrote in one of my discussion board responses that I did not think that it was important for a wellness professional to "walk the walk" before they told someone to do something that was good for them. Well, I know most everyone said that I was not completely correct in my evaluation. I will now agree that it is really important for someone to practice what they preach in the integral health areana. It would be difficult for me to describe the feeling I have experienced while doing a mindful meditation for discovery on what I need to work on next to a client. There is no way that I could without first experiencing it myself. I realize that I would not be able to have all the experiences and knowledge for everyone who has an issue that walks through my office door. However, I can always be practicing integral health for myself as a way of walking the walk along with my clients.

The ancient history in holistic healing is rich in Greek heritage. Meeting Asciepius offers a simple message for me: this is going to take a while but it will be worth it for your own life journey.

I guess the key word in that sentence is "journey". As we think of a person from history beginning a wellness sabbatical, it would take a long time for the person to arrive at the temple for healing. It would take a while for the healing itself. It was a definite journey for a person. It took determination to get well in those ancient times. We would make our way to the wellness center, settling in for a stay that would only end when we felt revitalized, renewed, transformed, and healed. We did not go simply for a cure or a fix, but for an encounter with the healing god, the healer within, the deepter medicine (Dacher, 2006, p27).

Just a quick thought for sake of thought: In our current wellness culture, we complain if we have to wait in a waiting room longer than fifteen minutes to see a doctor. Compare that to what the ancient Greeks had to go through to achieve their wellness. I think we have missed the point along the way! :)


  1. Mickey,
    Yes Mickey, journey is the key word. Life is a journey. For some the journey is not progressive, but rather goes backwards or stays the same. The best path is one of progression. The determination to have a better life, to face obstacles, to overcome them, to change the negative into a positive, not letting any bad thing hold us back or stopping us for very long, but, plodding on into the better life of health, healing, happiness, and wholeness is the goal of the journey.

  2. Life sure is a journey but what an amazing journey it is! I have also enjoyed this class and I'm a little sad that it is coming to a close but I will take these tools that I learned here and use them in so many areas of my life. :)

  3. It is wonderful to see the advancements you are making through your journey. Having the opportunity to experience and commit ourselves to the practices we will present to others is the best way for us to assist them to their full potential.

  4. Hi Mickey,
    Over the years, I have discovered life is a journey, a pilgrimage, a sacred adventure. Within everyone’s inner solitude, there is that bright and warm hearth where the spirit dwells waiting to be roused. There are many paths to enlightenment, their teachings rich and varied offering wisdom and “food for thought” and everything we need for our journey to awakening lies within us. In the beginning, spirituality appears like the bud on a bloom, opening gradually, tempting us with a glimpse of its splendor and unfathomable depths. It is here we create the blueprint of our collective existence.
    I am so happy you are getting to know your inner self better.

  5. Mickey-
    we as an American society, are all about the 'quickie'. Think about it anything to make anything faster!
    That is why we don't like exercise- takes too long for results- so diet pills are the more profitable market next to fast food! We complain about anything and everything we can because- we can.
    great post!

  6. Mickey,
    I think it is wonderful that you are growing and you see personal inward changes and responses to practices. I am also seeing many changes (positive ones) because of the path we follow in this class. I am very grateful for all of this. I am not sure I have ever experienced such a sense of gratefulness and I keep reminding myself that this is the tip of the iceburg. Your post is very bright and I can tell by your writing that you are establishing a greater oneness. :)
