Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Unit 10 - Final Blog from Mickey

Holy Wellness Batman!

Can you believe that it is already ten weeks? Me either! :)

My growth over the last ten weeks has been without a doubt more than I could have expected. I normally finish a course and have an appreciation for what I have learned -but then I look forward to my upcoming courses. I can honestly say that I am sorrowful that this class is now ending. I loved learning about bettering myself. The skills and practices that I have learned during my coursework in integral health are priceless. I have been able to alter my own personal health by creating a wellness plan, directing my well-being attention to myself instead of only others, and learning key techniques to integral health. The only thing left to do now is practice what I have learned and follow my wellness plan of attack from my final project (which I really enjoyed doing).

Unit 9 - Final Project

Classmates... I am still blogger upload challenged. My final project is located in doc sharing for your review.

