Friday, July 30, 2010

Unit 8 - Favorite Practices

Happy Unit 8 Week Classmates!

My favorite personal practices that I have found to work best in my own personal life are the Taste of Human Flourishing and the Visualization techniques toward wellness. Although the meditation and subtle-mind exercises have been fruitful for me (with practice), it is the two mentioned that have provided the most benefit for me personally.

The Visualization technique enabled me to find a "happy place" for me to escape to during what amounts to a chaotic schedule with three children. I often find myself sitting in an orthedontist's office or picking out yet another birthday present for a friend of one of the kids whom I have never even met. Yes, these are the duties of a dutiful mother but I am not always happy about doing them. So, with the Visualization technique giving me the ability to focus on a happy place, I am now able to find peace even in these sometimes unpleasant moments of life.

My ultimate favorite method of personal wellness that I have discovered over the last eight weeks has been the most recent. The Taste of Human Flourishing (THF) gave me an "A-ha" moment for just a moment but it did seem to project my mind to an ultimate peacefulness. I have never been a very peaceful person. I work very hard to create peaceful situations for myself but it is not always possible. I found with the THF method of wellness enabled me to focus on some me time, remember some fond memories during a journey, and create a wholeness within that none of the other techniques have been able to do.

I will continue to work on all the techniques that I have been given even after my coursework. I feel like I have been given a gift -a gift for myself. I am almost guarding my new knowledge with baited breath because it is so precious to me!



  1. I left a comment and accidentally changed the page before it was submitted I think.

    Ah ha moments are wonderful and such a gift! I get them all too often and it is starting to worry me that I am missing the "forest for the trees" sort of.

    Keep embracing all this course has to offer!

  2. Mickey,

    Hi fellow artist and potter 8-)!

    I like your post this week---It reminds me of a happy, safe place I created years ago in counseling after one of my clients terrified me (catatonic really, but appeared to be dead~~~then got agitated)! My place was the front porch of a cabin in the mountains. I would sit with coffee in the sun and watch the wildlife walk by!

    The visual of my happy place came back to me during one of the practices (although I can’t remember which one). The happy inner places do calm down the stress of responsibilities like the ones you have as Mom! Great job with your post this week (yes I am a day behind and not on mountain time).

    Cindy :)
